You & Me – A Game of Love & Intimacy Adult Game


The You & Me – A Game of Love & Intimacy Adult Board Game by Creative Conceptions includes exciting encounters and romantic inspirations for your marriage bed. It includes 90 innovative ideas, sexy suggestions, and adventurous activities. You & Me is a game where the taking part really is almost as good as winning!


Rules of the Game

With 90 innovative ideas, sexy suggestions and adventurous activities, this is a game where the taking part really is almost as good as winning! Make the time for “You & me” to enjoy a game of love and intimacy.

Starting the game

Firstly both players remove and keep the joker from their pack. Shuffle each pack separately and place face down in front of you. Be sure to include your 4-star cards!

The first player to roll “Me” goes first. After that just take it in turns. To make the game more enjoyable, collect a few accessories together before you start. A scarf or tie, massage oil and some lubricant are ideal, in fact highly recommended!

Principles of the game

When the wife rolls the die:

  • If the die lands on “You“, he takes the forfeit.
  • If the die lands on “Me“, she takes the forfeit.
  • If the die lands on “?“, she chooses who takes the forfeit.

When the husband rolls the die:

  • If the die lands on “You“, she takes the forfeit.
  • If the die lands on “Me“, he takes the forfeit.
  • If the die lands on “?“, he chooses who takes the forfeit.

The spouse who takes the forfeit chooses the appropriate card for their sex. They perform the action and take the points. Each forfeit lasts for as long as it takes for the sand to run out in the timer.

Winning the game

The winner is the first player to acquire 30 points and can celebrate by receiving a sexual favor of their choice from their spouse. You do that by completing the forfeit on the cards to your spouse’s satisfaction.

Every card has 1, 2 or 3 hearts on – these signify the level of the forfeit.

  • 1 heart = a soft forfeit = 1 point
  • 2 hearts = a naughty forfeit = 2 points
  • 3 hearts = a hardcore forfeit = 3 points

Every time a player completes a forfeit, you should write down the number of points they win. (It’s the player completing the forfeit who wins the points.)

The Joker: At the start of the game, you are given a Joker which you can use to refuse a forfeit. But remember you can only use this once!

Star Cards: There are 4 special cards each: 3 cards that can win you 5, 10 or 15 extra points and a penalty card which can lose you 15 points. You can choose to pass on a special card or to take it. You decide, at your own risk!


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